Saturday, March 1, 2008

Good 4 Day Stretch

The last 4 days have been poker, poker, and more poker. Overall, I would say I logged an average of 12 hours a day winning in each of my four sessions ranging from $1,200 to just over 5k. The games were good Tuesday and Wednesday and reasonable on Thursday and Friday. In total, my winnings are over 10k. The Wynn classic is well underway and the Wynn is where its at. I'm kind of tired and feeling rather lazy so this will be a rather short post and I don't feel like rehashing hands, will do at some point in future when I'm in the mood to write.

The main difference for me is I'm not getting coolered or rivered on big pots very often as I continue to get the money in good. The only real exception was yesterday getting it all in on a flop with 33 on a 1093 against 109 where my opponent turned a 9.

Travis continues to do well and Danny almost had a great day yesterday placing 11th in the first Wynn classic event. Unfortunately, his 1010 was not good enough to beat JJ on a 1022 board to become one of the chip leaders with 13 to go. Good job anyway buddy!

A bunch of us were supposed to golf today but we all slept in so it'll have to happen next week. I'm gonna probably play another good session of poker tonight as my luck is ok right now and I need to make some more money. I may venture down to the Golden Nugget or Ceasers. The nugget is housing all of the NASCAR guys who apparently like to shoot it up and Ceasers is currently running a big heads up invitational that includes Chris Moneymaker who has been dumping in the side action. I think the $10 cab ride to Ceasers is worth it if I can sit down the Moneydumper. Played with Greg Mueller the other day and he said that Chris dumped about 10k in a couple hours at a 5-10nl. We'll see how the night goes.

Probably will have some time tomorrow to details some of my recent highlight hands so tune back then.


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