Got 10 minutes and thought I'd talk about how shitty I play/run at our local home game.
As previously mentioned, I'm back in the peg for a bit (maybe a bit longer due to some tests I need done at the doctor making my departure to Vegas likely around the end of the month). So, to feed my gambling addiction in the meantime I'm forced to play our friendly 5/10 game, which plays like 10/20 holdem game. The game is tough as most everyone left are solely the winning players filtered down from a much larger player pool that started a couple years back. I don't know what it is with this game but I don't hit flops. It plays on my confidence and in the process I feel like it effects my play. I think yesterday I was a non-factor and I played like a predictable nit. I was probably run off at least 5 or 6 pots mostly from Zenni, but a couple from Travis as well where nobody hit the flop but I was pushed out because they knew I had nothing and I just let them have it. I would bet at the wrong time and lay down to any ensuing agression. I must say it is frustrating to never flop good enough to play back at these guys. It is equally as frustrating to never flop enough to call through when they choose to bluff through a hand. BLAH!
The game primarly comprised of Zenni, Travis, Myles, Stu, Rosie, and I. Rosie lost big again, which I feel bad about because he's a great guy and has been getting pounded lately. I think most everyone else won. For me a made a bowl of soup thanks to hitting a big pot against Rosie with the nut straight against his 2 pair, otherwise I didn't do anything special and mostly watched everyone else battle.
I had 1 interesting hand with Travis that I paid off, which was a difficult spot. I raised a straddle to $80 with 45 clubs in position, both Trav and Rosie called to see the flop. The flop came 862 two spades and Trav led out $175 I called and Rosie called, and I had intentions of probably raising the turn unless no 8 or spade. The turn brought the 8 of clubs so now I had doublegutter and flush draw. Trav bet $600. He could have the 8 but he could easily be continuing with a draw trying to shake both Rosie and I with what appeared to a couple rough peels (or maybe he could think I have an overpair). Too risky to raise and with so many cards to still hit against 3 8s I decide to call as we are both really deep. The river brought a 2 of clubs and he bet 2k. I pondered and decided to call. Too many times here he's gonna have a missed flush/str8 draw where he will barrel to shake an overpair. Plus he usually he check raises made hands instead of donk betting me on the flop so I decided to call with my flush. He had 89 and I lost.
Not sure If I'm gonna play the game again as 1 guy keeps getting punished and I don't like that. Also, I'm not really scoring big here and each of the other guys are solid so whats the point? I'll ponder that the next week or two. In the meantime got a stud game Monday and may play online Sunday for the FTOPS and stars 2.5M gauranteed. I'll keep ya posted...
Till next time.
Friday, February 13, 2009
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