Monday, August 18, 2008

Quick Update

Its late Sunday night. I was doin some work and decided to hop online for a bit. Had a good 2.5 hour session banking 9k. And now that I'm in a good mood, I have become somewhat inspired to update my blog. It has been at least a month since my last entry, maybe longer??? In summary, I have been back in the Peg for a couple of weeks already and should be here for another 1-2 months. Likely, by the beginning of October I will go to Niagara Falls followed by Regina and BC in November, Vegas in December, then home for Christmas.

I have not played a whole lot of live poker since returning from Vegas, excluding two weekends ago when I went with Myles and Todd to check out the games in Niagara Falls. They are good and suprisingly, they consistently host at least one 10/20nl everyday, with multiple games springing up on the weekends. The best part is there are no quality players in the room...should be good times in October. The only down side is they cap the buy-in at 3k.

On a side note, on my return from Vegas to Winnipeg I drove back with Kathy and we stopped in Vancouver and Calgary. The games there stink, you can't even find a regular 5/10nl. So Niagara Falls may become my new resting place when not in the States.

As for online, I have been doing well on Cake, probably cashed a good 40k since my last update. I play PLO almost exclusively as the holdem games suck at the higher levels. The games are really good there, and for the most part, I have run fairly well (not as well as 'GroovyT' though....I have noticed his name popping up at my tables from time to time. Some of the weak draws he goes for makes me shiver, but somehow the river repeatedly ships him pots - he's not really THAT bad at PLO though, just havin fun Trav). No real exciting hands to speak of except one:

I was playing a fish and crushing him in 5/10 PLO. He seemed to have a lot of cash and challenged me to a 'real game'. I felt my edge was too big to refuse so I jumped up to play him heads up 50/100, which is above my comfort zone (anything higher than 10/20 makes me nervous, especially with PLO because the game plays bigger than holdem). He loaded 10k, I loaded 6k and we were off to the races. Within 10 minutes I'm up to $8,700 and he had me covered because he kept topping up. In typical fashion, when I jump limits the poker gods stick it to me with a cooler or a beat. In this case, it was a cooler. I had 88910 double suit on the button and raised to $300, the fish repopped to $900. He was playing aggressive preflop so I figured I had a good enough hand to see the flop. The flop came down 873 with two clubs...yummy. Long story short we got it all in on the flop, he had AA with the nut flush draw and rivered an A. It was tempting to reload, but I told myself going in I was going to take one shot only. Obviously losing 17.5k pots suck, but I really feel that I may have lost out on a lot more if I had won the pot. This guy is a fish, he had money I think based on his constant reloading, and he seemed capable of massive tilt, so if he lost that pot who knows, maybe he could have went off for 50k? This is an interesting point that I have discussed with a few other players. I firmly believe that many of the nosebleed regulars caught their break winning a few 'key hands' like that, went on a nice run, and backed into a healthy bankroll that allows them to play at higher limits comfortably. Whereas the players that keep losing the 'key hands' continue to struggle, grinding out a meager my life is so tough :} Of course, it might just look like i'm getting unlucky when I play bigger, when the truth is I'm not good enough for the game. Who knows? All I know is PLO rocks and holdem sucks. My prediction is that PLO will become more popular than holdem with 5 years, can't wait. In fact, people in Vegas are calling it the crack cocaine of gambling. When is Pegcityhustling gonna hold a PLO tourney? I'd like to do a last longer with Groovy for a thousand.

Not much else to report on the poker front. I'll probably torture myself with a couple visits to Club Regent while in Winnipeg and I will probably donate at least 60% of the time because I can't help but to play like a jackass when I'm there. Actually, I went there each of the last two Tuesdays and it seems not much has changed...1/2 of the dealers give a shit 1/2 don't; 1/2 know what they're doing 1/2 don't; most, not all, of the 'management' suck and have bad attitudes; and yes it still happens to be the worst run room in North America (although slightly better than 12 months ago, maybe there's hope?). Funny, during one of my two visits I was kicked out of the casino because I could not produce proper ID. Sweet, they singled me out while they let a couple dudes go by who looked no older than 16. Even after I told them most of the staff in the poker know me, which could be verified, and that I have been here since the casino first opened, they still told me to take a hike. Good work security, good discretion.

Gettin tired so off to sleep.....

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