Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Back to the Tables
The limited hours spent on the tables were mostly cash games. Kathy and I only played two tournaments, both at the Venician. The first was a nightly $200 that we both bowed out early on and the second was a $550 deep stack extravaganza event that recruited almost 500 players. Kathy lasted until about 200 remained then lost a race. I lasted until about 125 remained losing a huge pot to put me in the top ten chips. In typical fashion, I was rivered after putting my chips in as a 5:1 favourite on the turn.
We predominately played cash games at the Wynn. This week was a little slow in Vegas and 10-20nl was hard to find. I would say I played half 5-10 and half 10-20. The games will pick up this week however with the LA classic done and the Wynn classic starting tomorrow. The games here in Vegas are very different from LA. Vegas players are made up of crusty old men that like to see the flop before committing chips. Their conservative approach creates a limp orientated game with pot control checking. The best way to win is to small pot them to death with good starting cards, positional raising and continuation bets. If they miss they fold. LA players on the other hand raise first and ask questions later. And, during the LA classic, there were many tricky players making the game aggressive and tough at times. Overall, the pots were generally bigger in LA and so was the variance.
My run in Vegas has been disappointing to date as has the trip overall. I continue to run really bad, probably the worst of my life. I guess I can sleep well knowing that if I run as bad as possible I should still post a small profit. It is difficult for me to remember all of the hands over the last week and a half but a few stick out in my mind.
Hand #1:
Finally had big pair over big pair. During my last day in LA I was running poorly and leading up to this hand it looked like I was on tilt. About ten hands previous I was overflushed (again, running about 40% of flushes made I am overflushed) and after that I began raising a few hands including coming over the top with 1010 heavy preflop and continueing through on a K42. So, it looked like I was pushing and I don't blame my opponents play on the this hand.
Finally I look down at AA. A strong opponent to my left raises to $120 after a few limpers so I reraise to $420. He is about $6,000 deep and I have him covered. He decides to call. The flop was 632 rainbow he checks I bet $600, he calls. The turn pairs the 3 he checks and I bet $1,500 knowing he has a pair 9s or higher for sure. He thinks for awhile and decides to check raise me all in. I snap call, he asks do you have aces I say yes, he shugs an 8 hits the river and I win. He didn't show his hand, but I can only assume he had KK. Finally, a setup my way on a board I know I don't have to sweat. That $12,000 took me out of the red for the day as I was stuck good to that point.
Hand #2:
Early on that same night I got involved with the toughest player at my table. I have played 10-20 against him many times in Vegas and he is solid. Generally, we don’t play many pots together, but he was near the end of his session and I think he wanted to gamble a bit to get even. I have QQ in early position and raise to $70. He is the only one who calls me and the flop is 1097 rainbow. I decide to play this hand a little different than normal to try and extract value without building too big a pot as we are both close to 10k deep. I find you have to mix it up against tough players so they stay out of your way for one, and for two, if you don’t you’ll never extract money from them in the long-run. So I check the flop and he bets $130, I call. The turn is a 2 and I lead out for $350, he raises to $900. At this point, I feel he has something like a touch draw like 78 or 89 suited. I just don’t see him having a set (except maybe 7s) or a bigger pair because he is the kind of player that would reraise with position with those hands preflop most of the time. At the same time I don’t want to play a huge pot against a tough player who is capable of taking the semi bluff to the next level by reraising allin if I played back at him. So, I just call with intentions of calling any river bet he makes as long as the river is not a 7 to J. The river brings a J, which I feel is the absolute worst card. I check he bets $2000 and I fold. He chuckles and shows me KQ. He also told me he would have barrelled any river for about $2,000 and I told him what I was thinking, that I would have called any bet outside the 7 to J range. He replied, good thing the J came then. Ya, good thing.
Hand #3:
That same night, late in the evening I get moved to Travis's table and in the first rotation I pick up KK and open for $70. Unfortunately, about 5 people call and the flop comes down Q103 two spades. It’s checked to me and with another 3 players to act after me I decide to check first to see how much action there is to the hand, and unless there is serious action I plan to check raise. Similar to the hand before, I like to mix things up like that sometimes. It gives me information, but I find that I get a lot of free turn cards when I need them because I opponents know I check alot of big hands on the flop. Also, when I fire out on the turn my opponents will fold more often instead of making a play or float to the river. So many players check medium hands on flops then stab on the turn when there is no action on the flop and good players pick up on that, and consequently, feed off of the bet to take down the pot knowing that the delayed continuation bet cannot withstand a raise. Anyway, in this hand it gets checked through and the turn is a 4 bringing in a heart draw. Action is checked to me and I bet out something like $300 and all fold to the small blind who check raises me another $500. I haven’t played with this kid before so I didn’t really know what to think or what to do, damn I should have bet the flop to get the information I need :) By checking the flop he could have read me for a weak hand like JJ or 99 that he could shake me off of especially if he had a draw like hearts or touch straight draw. Anyway, I stubbornly call and the river pairs the 4. He leads out $1000 and after much deliberation I call. He shows 33 for a set. Stupid call or not? I haven’t made up my mind on this one. The one problem with playing the flop the way I did is I don’t find out as much information about other player’s hands. After playing with this kid for another hour I realized he didn’t really run big bluffs and usually had the goods upon showdown. Surely, if I had this information ahead of time I would have layed down given the risk I was losing vs how much I had invested.
Hand #4:
At the bellagio 10-20 game. I crazy European sits down puts $10,000 on the table and starts bullying a rather tight agressive table. I have had bad luck to date and am down about $1,500. I am in late position and open the pot to $70 with AJ off, a chain reaction takes place and everyone behind me and in the blinds call so 5 go to the flop. The flop comes AJ8 two hearts and the European leads out $140 into the field. I immediately make it $400 and everyone folds leaving us heads up. He calls and the turn brings an 8. He checks and I bet $700 and he check raises to $2000. I think for a bit and call. I can't put him on an 8 as he would not be into the field with bottom pair dry on that board. As well, if he had flopped two pair like A8 or J8 he would have reraised me again on the flop. It is possible he was check raising on a draw as it is in the range of the maniac but thats about it, note the J is the non-heart so he could not have had the 8 plus heart draw on the flop. Anway, I determine calling is the bets because with another $3,000 behind me I don't want to lose him with the bluff as it's likely he'll follow through on the river. Sure enough the river is an offsuit K and he puts me allin. I don't really like it but I am obviously calling if I don't laydown on the turn, please don't show Q10. In the end he tables QJ off and I win a monster.
Hand #5:
In the same game at the bellagio I get my favorite hand AA. Two limp and I make it $130 everyone folds to the initial limper who is the only caller. The flop comes down 1087 two hearts. He checks and I decide to check. This is a tight player and I feel the most likely limp call would be with a middle pair or medium/high suited connector. The turn pairs the 10 and he checks so I put out a bet of $240 and he calls. The river pairs the 8 now and he checks. At this point, I put him on 99 or JJ or a missed flush draw and I feel I must value the river so I bet $400. He calls and shows me 77 for a fullhouse...LOL. Does he think I have a 10? Anway, its not a big pot but it is interesting how it was played out. My opponent seemed like a solid player otherwise, but I think we was a littel too cute and passive on this hand, at least river raise me bro.
Hand #6:
At the Wynn in a rare 1020 game. A wild rich hedge fund manager raises to $70, which was standard for him. I look down at KK and reraise to $290 knowing he'll give me action. We get heads up and the flop was KJ4 rainbow. He checks I bet $425 and he calls. Turn is the A of diamonds bringing in a flush draw. He checks and I bet $900. He delibrates and calls. The river is a 7 of diamonds and he laughs and tells me I don't think you should bet. I get a sick feeling in my stomach as I believe he is telling the truth so I check behind. He shows me J6 for a flush. Man, can't win with those damn kings, especially when I flop top set. Thank goodness he is a rich guy who is just there to have fun and give his money away, to everyone else that is. Obviously, I am supposed to lose another couple thousand on the hand if he wasn't being nice. I got him later that evening and cut him a break so it evened out.
Hand #7:
Playing 5-10 at the Wynn late and short-handed. There is this old rich guy with a hole in his throat. Apparently, he owns about 25 nightclubs and strip joints in San Fran. He was loose and would call through very thin. Of course, he had my number most of the night including this hand. He raises to $70 and I look down at AA. I reraise to $270 and he calls. The flop is 822 two hearts one spade. He checks I bet $350 he calls. The turn is the 10 of spades and he leads out for $600. At this point, I feel he has one of three hands, an 8 with spades, a 10 with hearts, or a bluff. Not sure which as he did not check call then lead out so I have to assume the turn helped in some way. I decide to call with intentions of raising the river if a dud came. The river brought the K of hearts and he bet $1,200. I didn't like the card, but this guy had run a few big bluffs so I felt I had no choice but to call and he showed me J10 of hearts.
Hand #8:
Same game same guy same result. I had J10 of clubs after a small raise preflop. The flop came down Q94 two clubs. Some woman comes out firing for $150 and the strip club maniac reraises to $350. I am on the button and decide to reraise to $1000. The lady folds and the maniac reluctantly calls. The turn is another 4 and he checks. I feel he is really weak here and so I decide to try again this time firing for $1800. He thinks for a minute and calls. The river bricks an offsuit 7 and he checks. He has about $4,000 left and I have him covered. I decide to check and give up because I feel if he could call the turn would call the river unless he had a flush draw as well. As it turns out he has A9. Such a savage call down and of course with 21 cards to hit twice I miss. This guy was so bad, easily one of the three worst I came across, but I could not get him. He was cleaned out though and someone at our table made over $10,000 off him. Must be nice....
Hand #9:
I had 109 of diamonds in the big blind in a 5-10 game at the Wynn. It was a fun table and there was a lot of sillyness going on. Everyone limped and I made it $20 to go for a joke. Someone made it $30 and about 8 of us went to the flop. The flop was 10102 two spades. I led out for $90 and was reraised to $290 by a tight player who undoubtedly had the case 10. Another person called, obviously on a flush draw and I just called as I was not sure if I was outkicked and if I hit the 9 on the turn, especially the 9 of spades, I could make a real big pot givin I would check, the tight player would bet and the flush draw would call/raise etc... Anway, the turn was a 6 of hearts and I check. The same aggressor bets $480 and the flush draw folds. I decide to simply call here as I'm not sure who's winning. The river is a 4 and I check. This time he fires $1000 and I tell him I don't think he knows how big my hand is. He tells me the same and I reluctantly fold. He shows me 104 good buddy. Great river.
Hand #10:
Playing 5-10 last night and made the worst play I have made since the 9s during my first session at Commerce. In a limped pot the board came down 1074 and I have 44. I am new to the table and a young kid bets $60. I raise to $180 and he raises to $380 and I call ready to pounce later in the hand. The turn is a Q and he checks. I thought this was kind of strange but I bet $450. He check raises me to $950. At this point I'm very confused. The kid had another $1800 behind him after the check raise. I hadn't seen anything less than text book from him so I have to be concerned he turned QQ. Preflop he was the first limper. With 77 or 1010 I think he would open for a raise, but with QQ I could see limping to generate action. I dunno? Anyway, I call. The river is a dud 5 (although it brings backdoor diamonds brining in 1 hand that he could play this way - 86 of diamonds, looking for a free turn, but then check raising with a double gutter / flush draw). On the river he fired allin. I don't know what went through my mind, I think I was tired or something. I ended up folding after 2 minutes in the tank. If I'm going to take the reraise on the turn I have to call the river, no questions asked. I think the way I played it I would maximize value as I'm either beat or I'm not and that won't change no matter what river. If he was on a move then I would get him, if he oversetted me then I'm done either way. The kid never showed but my gut tells me it was a move. So stupid of me, I guess when you run bad sometimes you convince yourself of the worst case scenario in the heat of the moment. If is was a move though I will say that it seems silly to push a dry pot.
Hand #11:
The deep stack tournament hand. I had just under 20k in chips with blinds 600/1200. I am in the big blind with Q10 off and we have a rare limp fest. 5 people limped and I checked my option. The flop came down KKJ rainbow and it was checked around. The turn is an A it is checked around to the original limper who makes it 5k to go. All fold around to the small blind who raises to 15k. I look over at the first limper and I see he is upset by the raise so I'm not concerned with aces full. The small blind has a K for sure. With AK he would have raised preflop and with KJ I think he would have smooth called and bet the river. So, my straight is gold and I push. The small blind calls and shows K2 and the river is an A. Lovely, the pot was 50k and I would have been well situated to make a run at the $60,000 first place prize.
There are a lot of other hands but I am tired of the memories. The Wynn classic tourneys start tomorrow and I'm going to play the first event as it gets the best turnout. Travis is coming down tonight and Todd is MIA. I'll likely be here for another couple weeks and hopefully I'll start making some serious money. This bad run is really starting to piss me off. The timing is bad.
I miss the peg a bit and all those important to me, but I'll be home shortly, just in time for the end of winter.
I'll report back shortly....
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The Rollercoaster
The play at Commerce has become progressively worse. At times, I feel like I'm playing with 5-6 pros all attempting to isolate the 1-2 weak players at the table. Last night was a little different however. Something must have been in the air as everyone was in the gambling mode. I switched from Holdem to PLO back to Holdem back to PLO and finallly back to Holdem again.
The Holdem games started out rather dry and over the course of 5 hours I made about a grand. I then decided to play a little 10-20 PLO. My omaha game is getting better, but I would hardly call myself a seasoned pro. Luckily, most of the other players are not very strong either with exception for 2 young guys who seemed to know exactly what they were doing. I played the day before and made a few thousand so I thought I'd try again. This time I was totally card dead and was faced with several difficult decisions. Overall, I lost about 3k in the game, which is like even in that game. After I left the game got absolutely crazy as I was playing Holdem at a neighboring table. This guy sat down that automatically potted to see the flop. As well, there was a straddle on so the game was playing more like a 40-80 PLO and every pot was 10k plus.
The late night Holdem game was not too different as there was one kid who was shooting it up like crazy causing a frenzy at our table. In the end, the kid got lucky on a hand, against me of course, and quickly cashed out after giving the beat. I don't have time to talk about many hands so I'll focus on just a couple and will update tomorrow when fly to Vegas.
Hand #1:
Sickest PLO hand which I was not involved with. Straddle to $40, bunch of callers, maniac repopps to $340. Flop comes down K87 two diamonds. The maniac leads out for pot. This kid who was a tough player repots and the maniac repots and the kid declares allin. The kid has A1096 two diamonds so wrap and nut flush draw. The maniac has the worst hand I ever saw - QJ43 two diamonds. I had never seen anything like that before, there was a 40k pot a guy through it in with no pair and third nut diamond draw. Anyway turn is Q river is 2 no diamond and the maniac issues the worst beat I ever saw in PLO.
Hand #2:
I have AK off. Its late, the game is crazy, I am stuck and have been opening a ton of pots with a huge range of hands. There is a straddle of $40 with one caller so I make it $160. I loose aggressive player, who is pretty solid, reraises from the small blind to $575 and action is folded to me. He is 5k deep and I have more so with position and knowing he could reraise with a fairly wide range of hands, I decide to call. The flop is Q94 all diamond. He checks. Now normally I would probably take a free one, but I am on semi-tilt and my read was that he didn't like the flop perhaps a pair under the Q with no diamond? Anyway, I decide to bet 1k with AK A of diamonds to shake him knowing that this was a rather bad play, but I too came to the game to gamble. He instantly check-raises allin. At this point I'm really mad I didn't check. I know now he has one of two hands to be able to check raise such as scary flop. He has KK with the diamond backup or he has a set of Qs. With $1,500 invested and with him having $3,500 left I decide to make what is a borderline money call to draw out. If he has KK with the diamond it is a good call, if he has QQ then it is not. The turn is the 8 of diamonds and the river is the 2 of diamonds. He has KK with the diamond as it turns out and I win my first big pot of the trip getting lucky.
Hand #3:
Fresh off of losing a hand with 1010 in the big blind against JJ on the button heads up on an AAA board, I get QQ on the button. There are a couple limpers and I raise to $130. The big blind calls and the maniac kid under the gun reraises to $600. The kid has a hair under 4k total so I decide to smooth call what I think is a nonsense raise as he has done the back raise on several occassions and previously told people he wants to gamble to double up to get even or go home broke. Anyway, we get heads up and the flop is 865 two diamonds, the kid leads out $600. I know he is nervous and hated that I called him preflop. I decide this board is more than good enough to get the chips in against him so I declare allin. The kid hesitates and chooses to call off an additional $2600 with 53 off. Turn 2 river 3, two pair. So sick, just like the old party poker days.
Hand #4:
Not even five minutes after being issued the beat I pick up KK. Guy raises to $70 and I reraise to $300 he calls. Flop is 986 two clubs. He checks I bet $550 he calls. Turn pairs the 9 and he has $1500 left. I am almost positive he has 1010 to QQ as with aces or a set he would check raise me all in, note I have K of clubs so I know he doesn't have AK clubs. The guy has $1700 left in chips and I decide to push him in hoping to get a call as he may be thinking I'm steaming from the QQ and am trying to buy the pot. He calls the river pairs the 8 I show he mucks and I get back alot most of what I lost a couple hands previous.
I don't want to sound like a broken record, but my luck continues to suck. The AK was a very lucky hand no doubt, but I have had so many other hands play out poorly its making me sick. And, I can never hit a draw, i'll talk about a couple huge draws gone bad in my next post.
Leaving for Vegas tomorrow and will hopefully have some better luck. At the very least, I get to have some fun and see my girl.
I'll update tomorrow, peace out!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Itinerary is Set
I did alright today for a tough field profiting about $3,400. I had a couple good hands and had a couple bad rivers. Overall though I think I played solid.
Hand Summary:
Hand #1:
About 5 hands in I looked down at 33 and limped from early position. The only fish at the table raised to $100 with about $1300 behind. There was one other caller so I called knowing if we both flopped big he would never laydown. Flop K83 rainbow. I check he bets $100 and I raise to $3oo, either he has a K or he doesn't. He flat calls and turn is 2. I bet $400 he shoves I call and he shows me AK, drawing dead. Unfortunately he didn't rebuy.
Hand #2:
On the button with AA with two limpers to me. I make it $120 and both call. Flop is Q53 rainbow. They both check and I bet $280. The first limper reraises to $800. At this point I have $5,000 and he has me covered. I have played with him before and he is rather crafty and could have a set, straight draw, or just a Q. Anyway, I decide to flat call as I have position to the hand and can see what he does on the turn. The turn pairs the 3 and he checks. I decide to check behind for a couple reasons. He is capable of checking a fullhouse to raise again, whether on the turn or river, and I want to control the pot. If he doesn't have me beat then he likely has a Q which makes it near impossible to lose with the 3s paired (note: if the 3s weren't paired and he checked I would likely bet). And, if I check the turn I may get value on the river from a Q. Anway, river is 8 and he checks again. This time I bet $1000 and he calls and mucks. Probably a KQ, QJ type of hand.
Hand #3:
I have K10 of hearts. Someone straddles to $40 and action is folded to me in the cutoff, I make it $140 and get two callers from the blinds. The flop is 1053 rainbow. The first guy checks and the second guy donks into me for $300 with only another $700 behind. I sense the other guy will fold so I put the guy allin. The turn is an 8 and river Q I show my hand and he mucks.
Hand #4:
I have 72 off in the big blind. All fold to the button who limps with the small blind. Flop is K72 two spades. Small blind checks I bet $50, button folds and small blind makes it $160. I just call as he could have two pair and with position I will value bet at any point that he checks. Also, I am never a fan of pouring in huge cash on flops with bottom two, they get negated so often against donks who can't lay down top pair. The turn is a Q and he bets $250. I call. The river is a 9, with no flush coming in, the guy bets $350. Well, I'm not happy about the river bet as he seems like a guy who would check the river with one pair, but he is making it so cheap I have to call as he may be pounding a flush draw. Anway, I call and he shows KQ. I think I lose minimum this hand, but too bad the six outer comes otherwise I'd win about $1000 instead of losing $750.
Hand #5:
Same scenerio one rotation later. Everyone folds to the button he limps and we see a flop. This situation is almost unheard of at this level but the guy on the button is a real donk. Anyway, I have 98 off and the flop is 1076 two spades. We both check to the button and he makes it $50. The small blind calls and I decide I'm gonna mix it up by calling then betting into him on the turn. I had just won a different pot off him a couple hands previous by betting to come and it came so maybe I could induce a raise and build a big one. The turn is the 5 of clubs and so I bet $200 into him. He looked puzzled and clearly was suprised by the bet. Unfortunately, he did not take the bait and flat called, the small blind folded. The river brought the J of spades. I didn't really feel that he was on spades so I continued betting this time $325. He hollywooded for awhile then declared raise and made it $1000 to go. I thought about it for a bit thinking to call because this same guy river bluff raised somebody else when a flush came in, showing it proudly when the guy folded. In the end I folded and I am pretty sure he had a flush because I saw the 4 of spades when he tossed in his cards.
Hand #6:
I had 98 of clubs in mid position and opened the pot for $70. Two people called including the button. The flop came down 652 with 52 of clubs. I bet out $180 and was immediately raised by the rock on the button. He made it $425 to go. I know this guy is super tight and I am 95% sure he has a set, if not a set then AA. He is close to 10k deep and so I obviously call begging for the offsuit 7 so I can lead into him on the turn representing a big pair. An offsuit 7 would likely lead to a double up if the river did not pair the board. And certainly a flush results in a big pot as well. Unfortunately, the turn was a red Q. I check and this time he bets $1250. At this point, its a little out of my price range with only $6,500 in front of me and obviously if I flat call the turn and the club comes, I won't be getting paid. So I fold. Sure would be nice to hit one of those sneaky ones when it counts, very similar to the 84 of spades hand I posted a couple weeks back.
So I'm going to just hang out in my room for the balance of the evening, likely to play a little online and yup you guessed it watch another movie. I better start booking bigger wins so I can offord the room charges. Actually, its been alright the last couple days. I made a couple thousand online in each of my last two sessions. If I can string a good week and a half together I think I might jump into the 20-40 game. It looks juicy and there is no shortage of action, but it plays really big. Most of the serious players buyin for 30k or more. If I play I will be short-buying for 5k.
Going to play the tag team event tomorrow with Todd. He is scheduled to arrive an hour before it starts. He has been stuck in transit for two days now in Toronto thanks to a snow storm. Way to save $100 on your flight by doing the milkrun. Now your paying double on hotels and are missing out on some key play time....loser:)
Also, I'm going to be leaving for Vegas early Sunday morning. The action is growing tougher everyday here as more and more of North America's finest players are arriving as we near the main event. Maybe Vegas will be good with all the pros absent. Also, I hope to try out the Venetician deep stack extravaganza. Kathy is meeting me down there late Sunday night and is staying for a week. We'll hang out, have some fun, and likely, play a bit of cards. Thursday night we will be returning to LA so I can play the Supersatellite on Friday. And, with a little luck, I'll qualify for the main event, which starts Saturday.
Till next time....
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Tournaments Woes
Last night I didn't feel like playing serious poker so I decided to play some 5/10. I was up $2000 at one point, but ran KK into AA where I guy just smooth called my reraise and the board came 7 high so we got it all in. On another hand I flopped two pair and got rivered by a flush. So in the end I made just under $900. I went back to the room though and made a couple thousand online so the day worked out.
Going to play shortly and play to put in a good session so hopefully I run well. I am going to Vegas this weekend and plan to hang out there till the following Thursday before returning to Commerce for the SuperSatellite to the main event. Kathy is meeting me down in Vegas on Sunday night so should be good times - a little quality time, a little entertainment, and a little cards. Other than that Todd is enroute and plans to spend a couple weeks here playing cash games.
I'm not going to go into detail about hands from the 5/10 game. Though it is worth mentioning that the play is so much worse than the 10/20 game. Hopefully I can report a solid win tomorrow....time will tell.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Fast Start Slow Finish
When I first sat down I won two sizeable pots and was up $4,000 right away. For the next seven hours I could not pick up a hand or hit a flop, except flopping a small set only to be drawn out against. I feel kind of stupid though because the game was brutal down the stretch and about 30 minutes before I quit I was up $4,500. Instead of leaving I stayed and dumped back over $2,000 including a silly call down for $1,500 on my last hand of the evening. The end result was $2,300 to the positive. At least it was a win, but overall I don't think I maximized as I blew a couple small pots by not making continuation bets on dry boards and of course the last hand where I should have folded on the river instead of flushing $800 down the drain.
Big pot summary:
Hand #1:
The second hand I played I had J6 of hearts in the small blind and limped for an extra $5. The flop was A92 all hearts. I check and a lady bets $100 and everyone folds, I call. The turn is an offsuit 3 I check she bets $280 I check raise to $800 she calls. At this point I figure she has a small flush or a set of 2s because she was not impressed with the check raise. The river is an offsuit 4 I bet $1000 she contemplates and finally calls. She has a set of 9s.
Hand #2:
About 10 minutes later I raise UTG with 99 and get two callers. The flop is 862 two hearts. I bet $200 and the same lady min raises me to $4o0 and the other player folds. I'm not quite sure what the min raise means so for $200 I decide to call and see what happens on the turn. The turn is the 9 of hearts. I check and she now bets $600 leaving herself another $1400 behind. At this point I put her on a set to be able to bet that turn so hard. I don't think she has a flush as my gut tells me she is not the type of player to raise a flush draw on such a dry flop against a UTG raiser. Anway, I pause for about a minute knowing full well I'm pushing. Eventually I declare allin and she squirms. Eventually she calls me with two black aces and the river doesn't improve her hand. Had the turn been anything but a 9 and she bet big I most likely would have folded.
Hand #3:
I am in the big blind with 33. Someone raises from early position to $80 and 4 people call. The flop comes down J83 all clubs. I check and the initial raiser continues for $350 and everyone folds to me. I figure he has an overpair more than likely with a club. I make a goon raise putting him allin for another $1600. I figure he has a big hand and I want to make him pay to play. As well, I have been running bad and don't want to be blow a pot by getting cute to a hand like 1010 or JJ with a club. Anyway, he calls rather quick with AJ A of clubs and rivers a flush.
Hand #4:
I have A10 of diamonds on the button and the pot is raised from early position to $70 with 5 callers. The flop is A85 two spades -one diamond. The preflop aggressor bets out $250 and gets one caller. Both players are rather deep so I decide to take one off. The turn is the 4 of diamonds. He leads out for $500. Another opponent calls after much deliberation. At this point I have several options. I think the preflop raiser has an AK or AQ type hand and is making one more attempt to take the pot with the flush draws out there. I think the other opponent is on spades. I think for a minute and decide to raise to $1800. The 4 is an interesting card and I don't think the preflop raiser can call with anything less than 1010 or AA. My bet really looks like a flopped set or 67. As it turns out both players fold. He tells me he laid down AK and I tell him good fold.
Hand #5:
My last hand of the evening. I have 87 of clubs in the big blind and an active player raises to $80. One player calls so I call. The flop is Q84 rainbow with one club. I check she bets $170, the other player folds. I decide to call as I'm not convinced she has much. Secondly, she has displayed an inability to lay down big hands so if I can turn two pair I feel I can win a big pot if she has a big Q or overpair. The turn is the 5 of clubs. I check and she bets $400. At this point I feel she has something good as she typically gives up after flop continuation bets with air. I decide to call though having the backdoor flush draw. The river is an offsuit 7. I really don't know what to do here. I almost block bet for $600, but instead decide to check hoping that if she did have a set she would check do to the scare of the 1-card straight. Unfortunately, she fires again this time for $800. I tanked for about 2 minutes. I was confused because she did not strike as a player that would value bet that river for so much with a set. At the same time, my gut was telling me she wasn't nervous about the hand. Could she really be holding something with a 6 that she could fire on all streets? My decision was really on the fence and in the end I went against my first instincts and decided to call with two pair, she showed 76 of spades for the straight. This is definately the worst call down I made this trip.
As for the rest of the evening I really was card dead as usual. I had JJ once and KK once, both getting no action. I had one AK, two AQs, and a handfull of small pairs and suited paint, but that was it. And, as per usual, I flopped nothing big with any of them except the 9s and 3s, one of which I lost. Overall I am of course happy to take a win, but I felt I could have made at least 5k if I was playing optimal poker. For some reason, probably due to fatigue, I chickened out on at least 3 continuation bets down the stretch on dry boards where I normally would have taken down pots adding up to lost wages of about $500 to $600 easily. Once I called down and lost the 87 of clubs I knew it was time to quit before I start donking off more chips.
Going to get some sleep now and recharge. I also need to recharge my phone and I-Pod as they're both dead. Sorry babe if your reading this and couldn't get ahold of me :)
Tomorrow is a $2,500 buyin Holdem event. It is a little steep and they don't give you that many chips so I think I may pass it up and play cash.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Can it get any worse???
I am suprisingly not upset even though I posted two losses on the weekend, $2200 and $106o respectively. On the one hand, I am frustrated, frustrated because this is by far and away the worst run of cards (live or on internet) I have had for many moons. On the other hand, I am pleased that I am playing some of my best poker ever.
I think my solid play can be attributed to gained experience in deep stack play. I have played a lot of deep stack poker in the past, but in the last couple weeks I have been playing a lot and have been fortunate / unfortunate? enough to play with and observe some of the toughest guys around, absorbing how they deal with a variety of hand situations. Overall, I think I play as well as almost anybody at least in the 10-20s, its just that I keep ending up on the wrong side of luck. However, I will stick to my guns and say that its got to turn around soon. The great Brian Townsend says 'bad luck is just an excuse for bad play. There is no such thing. When you play good and the results are bad just chalk it up to variance'. Well Brian, I'll listen to you a little longer, but I will say that if you were to hire a PHD statistician to track the averages of my good vs bad hands I get, good vs bad coolers, and overall inability to hit the flop and/or draws I would think he/she would label me a statistical anomolie sitting somewhere in the 99.99 percentile to the bad.
Big pots summary as follows:
Hand #1:
The dirtiest of the bunch. I have KK UTG and decide to limp because the table is aggressive and two players to my left are solid and deep. Also, I haven't been raising much, partially due to lack of cards and partially due to the fact I don't want to be repopped and forced to pay $500 to see the flop. If I were to raise the good players would immediately put me on a small range of hands and may put pressure on me givin the right flop....blah blah blah, so I decide to hide the strength of my hand. Anway, the fish immediately to my left makes it $120 to go and suprisingly everyone folds back to me. The fish only raises with about 10 hands so I know he has a pair 9s or higher or AK/AQ. He has about $6,000 thanks to 3 earlier no brainers. He is ripe to be stacked though because he cannot lay down a big hand and has shown to overbet with quasi-vulnerable hands. For these reasons I decide to simply call hoping to get some real value with the proper flop. So flop comes down KQ10 rainbow. I check he bets $200 I call waiting to grab him later in the hand. The turn is a 9 though and in case he has JJ I don't want to bet myself out of the hand so I check and he relectantly checks so I do put him on a big hand not liking the potential straight. The river brings the Q. I fire out $500 and he hollywoods for awhile finally declaring the goon all in raise for an additional $5000 and change. I think for a second and presume he has 1010 or 99 so I call. Unfortunately he shows me QQ for quads. So ridiculas, the good ol' one outer to cost me $6000. How about a 9, 10, or K one time??? I know he put me on a straight. Of course, if I had a straight I would not be falling for his ridiculas river overbet. Anyway, when I see his hand I was in disbelief once again at how bad I am running I mean I just want mediocre luck and leave skill to dictate the rest. Lately, I feel like a guy in a streetfight trying to fend off 3 black belts with handcuffs on and my shoelaces tied...fck'n variance. As a side note, this happened to be the only set I flopped all night.
Hand #2:
Another hand from early on last night. A standard player raises from the cutoff to $80. The button reraises to $320. The button has been rather active and aggressive so by no means can I assume that he has a big pair. I look down and find QQ and decide to call as did the original raiser. At the time I had $3000 in front and both my opponents had more. The flop came down 852 all hearts. I check, the original raiser checks, and the button bets $750. This is a tough spot as I have the third best possible pair with a flush draw (as I have the Q of hearts). This player is not stupid. I know he has a big hand to bet so much on such a dangerous board into 2 guys. Nevertheless, after a little deliberation I came to the following conclusions. With such a large bet I cannot simply call to see what he is going to do on the turn because this is not a straight forward player and certainly is capable of pressuring me on the turn with a weaker hand than I held. Therefore, it was time to move all in or fold. The only hands I am crushed by are AA or KK with the heart redraw. As well, I don't really want to see AK off with a heart. However, I could be a huge favorite over JJ,1010, or even a dry A of hearts, or a bluff. Furthermore, there is a chance that if I pushed he may lay down AA or KK with no heart redraw. I know the other opponent will fold as his expressions already solidify that he hates the flop. So I say to myself, I'm not going to get pushed off this pot like I did with the 9s a couple weeks ago against the rich dude so 'I'm allin'. The guy snap calls me and my heart sunk. Sure enough he shows me AA with the heart redraw. Bonk, no miracle Q for this cowboy. Goodbye initial buyin.
Hand #3:
Also from earlier tonight. The big fish that nailed me with quads raised from UTG and a rock called. At this point, I had made a reasonable comeback and had about $8,000 in front, not even 1/3 of the fish's stack as he continued his spree of sillyness by overtighting in a 20k pot against another player...must be nice. Anyway, he raises the rock called and I looked down at 95 spades. This is the kind of hand I don't mind investing $100 more to flop a straight, flush, two pair, etc... because if the fish has an overpair I'm going to get paid and in all likelood thats exactly what he has as his raising range is so small. The flop comes down J87 with 87 of spades. I check, the fish checks, and the rock bets out $275 (note: if the fish had bet I may just call because we are so deep and givin he may not fold the last thing I want to do is jam against JJ to AA for 10k givin the way I'm running and especially givin the way he's running). The rock on the other hand is playing with about $3,500. I decide to raise and I make it $900. Screw it, I'll gamble $3,500 on this hand if I have to, eventually I have to hit at least one of these 15 out double draws. As it turns out the fish folds and the rock calls. The turn brings the 5 of clubs. At this point I am positive the rock has either QQ to AA or a big ace suited in spades, if he had a set I would have found out on the flop as he most definately would have jammed allin. He is cautious and knows I am capable of a wide range of hands and obviously is scared I have flopped something big. He has about $2500 left so I put him allin. He tanks for about 2 minutes and actually for a second I thought he was going to call, but in the end he folded. I always seem to get the no brainers. What a joke, the only way I can win any money these days is by running bluffs that almost put me into a state of cardiac arrest.
Hand #3:
The only showdown I had tonight for pots over $1,000, which is crazy for a 16 hour session. I am UTG with Q9 of hearts and limp. Again, at this time I am deep as are many others at the table including the fish and like the two other solid players, I want to hit something really big so the fish can double me up. So I limp and someone makes it $60. Such a gay raise, and not suprisingly, 6 people call. The flop comes down A52 with two hearts. The small blind leads out for $170. This player is playing about $2000 and is on luke warm tilt as he was cleaned out 30 minutes prior. I look around the table and it didn't appear that anyone was overly excited about the flop so I call hoping nobody behind me raises. Sure enough I end up heads up with donk better who I feel has a made hand and was inviting a raise from the preflop aggressor. As it turns out the 2 of hearts falls on the turn. This was the 4th flush I made all trip, unfortunately, on two of the previous 3 I was overflushed. Anyway, my opponent checks and I think for a bit and eventually make a bet of $400. My opponent shruggs then declares allin. I actually took about 2 minutes to call because it seemed very plausible that he could have been leading out on the flop with the ace high flush draw, touch on ace. As well, the previous overflushing and underquading began flashing through my mind. Thank you again LA for your lack of compassion towards those continually shat upon. After a little deliberation I told myself no way I can fold here I'm beating too many hands. Besides, if he had the A high flush he would have min raised me or wait until the river and bet out as this player would definately be lumped into that kind of amateur hour category (as for the K high flush, or any flush for that matter, I was not worried because there is no way he would have donked bet into the field on a naked flush draw against preflop action with an ace on board). As it turns out he has A5 with the A of hearts. The river pairs the 2 and finally I win a showdown hand somehow managing to escape his 11 outs.
Hand #4:
Yesterday early on in the session I picked up AK of clubs in the big blind. Some guy in mid position made it $80 and the button reraised to $230. I called as did the initial raiser. The inital raiser was $10,000 deep, the button was $3000 deep and I was around $4000 deep. The flop came down J105 with the J10 of clubs. I check the initial raiser bets $250 and the button calls. The initial raiser is a pro capable of a lot of moves. In this case, I think he was taking advantage of the text book style of the inexperienced player on the button and was implementing some kind of blocking or probing bet. The call by the text book player had me thinking he likely had AK himself, either that or was getting cute with JJ or 1010 although he seemed a little confused and nervous about the flop and the bet into him. Well, the big draws have not been kind to me, but I gotta go with this hand. Furthermore, givin the action on the flop I felt like I might be able to take it down with a check raise as I didn't feel either one of them was that strong and I could represent a set of 10s or Js. So, I check raise to $800. The initial better folds and the button thinks momentarily then declares he's allin. Oh great, I misread the hand, he must have a set, but with the money already in the middle I am pot committed to try and draw out so I call. To my delight the button shows two red queens making me about 2 to 1 to win the hand. Of course, in typical fashion, I double brick and lose out on the almost 7k pot. On a side note, I thought his play with QQ was retarded. Amazing how bad some people play. By night's end however, that same gentleman walked away up 5k. Does LA purposefully favor donks? Are they running the same software as PartyPoker? I don't know maybe its some kind of conspiracy against white Canadian folk?
Hand #5:
An aggressive fish in early position raises to $70. Two call and I call on the button with 107 of spades. The fish is about 5k deep and I have him covered. The flop comes down 1052 two spades. He continues with a bet of $200. Action is folded to me leaving just the two of us in the pot. I elect to just call with intentions to raise the turn unless it brings an A or I sense he has a huge hand. The turn brings the A of spades and I have a flush. He checks so I bet out $400. I bet pretty strong because I thought I was going to get paid by a fearful AK or AQ possibly with a spade redraw. As it turns out I get min raised to $800. I was totally suprised by this play. Under some circumstances I think I could lay down the hand right here, but this fish has shown some very irratic betting pattern, which include wierd bluff raises, double checking the nuts, and now the min raise. What does it all mean Basil? Anyway, not really sure what he has so I decide just to call, see what comes on the river and see what he does. The river is a complete dud leaving me with the 4th nut flush. He hesitates for a moment then bets $1000 on the river. Totally confused I decide to donate hoping to see trips, an AK type hand, or even a smaller flush. Nope, he shows me KQ of spades. I had only been playing for two hours on Friday, but between that hand and the AK of clubs I decided to take my $3,000 loss and leave the tables (however later on I went on to hack around in the 5/10 with Danny where I made back close to $1,000).
There are a lot of other hands gone bad but I'm getting tired so I'm going to cut it short. One quick note, I had JJ twice in my last hour of play this morning and both times the flop came AKQ with significant action.....sweet three overs.
So, in the words of White Snake 'here I go again', not really knowing what to think. In theory, I should be making a killing out here, in reality, I am up a bowl of soup and likely after expenses I am pretty darn near break even. I am not the only one having trouble though. Trav took a hit last night and after conversing with Danny and Chris they too are having their fair share of troubles (they came down for a couple days from Vegas in a buddy's car).
I'm going to catch some z's then wake up and play the $300 rebuy this afternoon. Tonight I think I'l take a night off and watch a movie in the room.
T'ill next time,
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Happier Days
After the tournament Trav and I got some dinner and he went over the book 'The Wealthy Barber' which I hear is a pretty good book. I have some experience and background in finance so we talked a little about that and a little about everything else. After dinner we hit the tables.
When I first sat down my table was ok at best but I hit a couple of really nice hands and was up over 9k in two hours, which included two sizeable pots with top set - I like the no-brainers they're fun. For the next four hours after that I couldn't get anything going including a couple big pairs gone bad. The table became tough, one of the toughest I had seen to date, and many players were 10k plus deep so I decided to call it a night up 7k. My highlighted hands were as follows:
Hand #1:
Tight solid player UTG raised to $80 (he won one of the earlier events this year) and I called with 1010, big blind called as well. Flop came down 1086 two hearts. Blind checked, preflop raiser checked I bet $160. Big blind called and preflop raiser reraised to $800. I immediately put him on 8s or 6s as I think he would lead out on a flush draw or overpair and I don't think 97 was in his range of early position raises. I hollywooded and decided to push there instead of getting cute and losing action to a heart, 9, or 7 on the turn. He was $2500 deep and I stacked him as he tabled 88. Nice to be on the good side of a cooler.
Hand #2:
UTG fish raises to $80 and I have 1010 again and call. Late position aggressive fish repops to $280 we both call. Flop is 1097 rainbow and we both check to the preflop aggressor. He fires out an overbet of $700 (which I think was with air as he did the same overbet on a J98 board with AK previously). The original raiser check raises to $2000 all-in. I decide to smooth call hoping the aggressor had an overpair, but after the action he quickly folded. Turn was 2 river 3, I showed my 1010 and my opponent mucked, not sure what he had but who cares.
Hand #3:
Same preflop aggressor as last hand calls my raise of $80 and we're heads up. I have AJ off and the flop is AQ10 two hearts. I decide to check for pot control and to allow the goon to pick up the bet, potentially with nothing. He fires out $150 and I call. Turn is an offsuit 8. I check he bets $250 I hesitate and call (my hesitation was for dramatic purposes obviously as I'm not going to fold). The river brings an offsuit 5 and I decide to check again. This time he fires out for $700. I rather quickly call as I think he is bluffing because if he had a really strong hand he would have bet harder on the turn givin the draw heavy board. The second I call he riffles his cards into the muck in disguist. Against unintelligent goons I do prefer to check call alot with vulnerable hands to induce bluffs. Except against a flush draw or touch gutter I either have the best or the worst, and that is unlikely to change through to the river, so I think there is good value in playing the hand this way against certain players. Also, I had noticed that he would generally pick up the bet if someone checked so I think I maximized in this situation.
Hand #4:
My last hand of the night I found KK. Someone straddles to $40 someone called so I made it $240. Both blinds call and the initial caller folded. The flop came down QQ9 two diamonds. The small blind led out for $500 and I felt he had a 9 or a pocket pair. I was pretty sure it was a probing bet as I don't think he was crafty enough to lead out with trips. Unfortunately, the big blind smooth called the bet. He was a very good player that usually plays the 20-40 and higher. He was about 20k deep and was playing tight solid. I felt he proabably had the Q and so I let go of my KK. On the turn an offsuit 7. The small blind checked and he bet $1000, small blind deliberated and called. The river was an offsuit 3 and the small blind checked. He barrelled again this time for $1800. The small blind thought for a couple minutes and called. The solid player mucked and the small blind showed JJ. This hand is interesting on several levels. First, if I wasn't on the way out I may have called the $500 to see what happened on the turn and likely I would have frozen the big blind from running a bluff fearing I'm smooth calling with a Q. Second, his table image was tight and he had not shown down any bluffs. He was likely on a flush draw and I think against any good player he would have taken the pot down on the turn or at least the river as his play clearly reaks of a Q. Unfortunately for him he was up against a meatball who doesn't think it through and gets married to his pair. Of course the meatball quickly states that he read him for a flush draw...lol...more like I'm a calling station and I am making a crying call that you are running a bluff.
Going to take the day off from live poker because they have the $500 buy-in HORSE tournmanent on Full Tilt as part of their FTOPS series. I love HORSE so I gotta play. If I get knocked out early I will venture downstairs to play. As for the weekend, I'm going to play cash games Friday and Saturday as the weekend action is simply too good to refuse. On Sunday I'll likely play the $335 nl Holdem event as cheap weekend buyins usually equate to a smorgisborg of donks.
Tough day for Trav as he lost about 9k, I know that feeling. He was at my table for a short while and couldn't really get anything going. I'm sure he'll make it back this weekend.
Other than that I talked to Todd and I think he'll make it out mid next week as it seems his dog is going to make it. Can't wait till he gets down here so Trav, him, and I can go play Peable Beach (I need a week to mend my sprained wrist anyway. And if by some chance I don't kick their asses at least I have a fallback excuse).
On a final note, I have been conversing with Kathy via email and she is having a blast in Europe and will be there for another few days.
Hope to have a good weekend and will update as frequently as possible...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Same Ol Song and Dance
Hand #1:
Aggressive goon has $1500 in front as is trying to muscle the table. He raises to $120 from early position and everyone folds to me in the big blind. I look down at KK and decide I'm going to slow play him. The flop comes down 852 rainbow. I check he bets $240. I raise to $600 and he instashoves for $1500. I instacall he tables 1010 and suprisingly no 10 comes.
Hand #2:
A tight player (but not really that good) raises to $60 from early position gets 4 caller so I defend from the big blind with 96 diamonds, one of my favorites. The flop comes down 1074 two diamonds. After checking to the initial raiser he fires a continuation bet of $180 and everyone folds to me. I decide to check raise even though I haven't hit a draw since the Reagan administration. I make it $400 to test the waters. He calls and the turn is an offsuit Q. I fire out $600 and he quickly calls. Something about the quick call made me feel he was on the draw or had a vulnerable hand that he was trying to perceive as strong, likely flush draw or maybe A10. Anyway river is a dud like 3 or something and I decide to go after it and I bet $1000 which looks like a solid value bet river with two pair or set. He thinks for awhile and folds.
Hand #3:
I'm on the button with 98 hearts when an early position player makes it $80 and he gets 4 callers. The flop comes down J105 two hearts. The preflop raiser checks and the next in line bets $200. I decide I have to pump this as the better only has about $1200 and I'll gladly gamble my hand for that price. If he was deep I may play less aggressively givin I can't hit and I put him for a big hand. So, I decide to make it $550. All of a sudden a guy from the blind declares he's all in for $1700. The initial flop better calls and action is to me. Into three way action and with the money I've invested I have to call and hope I'm not up against a KQ of hearts type hand or 555. Anyway, I call both all ins and the pot is about $5,000. Both opponents show J10 and I double brick.
Hand #4:
I have 84 of spades in the big blind when an early position player raises to $60. 4 call before action gets to me so I call. The flop is 1053 with two spades. Action is checked to the preflop raiser who bets $250. Everyone folds to small blind who calls. I'm thinking about passing the hand because I'm positive the preflop raiser has a big pair and I think the small blind may be on bigger spades. However, after a little hesitation I call to see what happens on the turn. Turn is offsuit 6. Check check and this time the bet is $550. The small blind tanks then calls, still not sure if he's check calling a 10 or a draw. Now at this point I am 5k deep and the small blind is a fish who is as deep thanks to hitting two sets with action and another hand where he sucked out on the river. The initial better has about $1500 left and is one of those incapable of laying down so I decide there is very good value in the call as I have an open ended straigth as well. In the back of my mind I'm also thinking I could stack the small blind if he has 64 and the offsuit 7 comes. Anyway, the river pairs the running 6s and the small blind fires out $1000 and is called by the preflop raiser. The preflop raiser shows KK and the small blind shows 64. ONE TIME PUT DOWN THE 7! Then the action would be small blind bets $1000, big blind raises allin knowing small blind will call expecting to chop.
Hand #5:
A guy sits down at the table and posts in mid position. Action is folded to him and he raises to $80. Everyone folds to me in the big blind and I call with AJ of diamonds. The flop comes down AJ8 rainbow. I check he checks. The turn is the 6 of clubs bringing in a club draw. I bet out $140 and he immediately raises me to $640. I'm like wtf? I was so confused. I wasn't sure if he flopped, which would be a wierd way to play the hand, turned a set, or more likely, he was making an amateur hour goon play on a flush draw like KQ, K10, or Q10 of clubs. Anyway, I decide to call not really knowing where I was or what was going on. The river brought in the club and I checked. He thought for a minute or two then checked behind and showed me 888. Very strange hand, luckily it didn't cost me too much. The thing is its such a silly way to play the hand. Unless I had a really strong hand like AJ he's gonna make nothing on the hand. Anyway, that same guy proceeded to go on a hitting frenzie and made about 5k without having a clue on how to play.
Thats enough for hand discussions its making me depressed :) My only saving grace is that I have made online what I have lost live (with a little interest). It's funny because what little time I spend playing online I'm crushing it, and the players I play there are 10 times the players I face in the live games.
Oh well, today is another day. I'm going to play a tourney today, the 6-max 500 buy. I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Quick Update from Whistler
Had a good night before I left pocketing close to 5k in a rather dry game. I hit a couple nice hands and didn't get drawn out on everytime (i'll highlight a few). I'm going to head back late tomorrow after the Superbowl refreshed and looking to make some serious money next week.
Hand #1
I had AK and raised to $80 and had 4 callers. Flop came K52 with two clubs and I bet out $230. The asian woman to my left raised to $600. Normally this would concern me a bit, but givin that I saw her put a tight guy in for 3k 5 minutes before on a QJ4 board and couldn't beat his obvious overpair (KK) after he raised preflop and bet out flop big. I figured she was trying to get even fast and was pushing a vulnerable hand like KQ, KJ, or flush draw. She had another $1,200 after the $600 bet so I put her in. Turn 4 river 7 I tabled my hand and she mucked. She left the table after that, too bad.
Hand #2
Had AA and raised to $90 after one limper. 4 called and flop came down Q32 with two hearts. Checked to me so I bet $300. Everyone folded to a rather tight woman who went allin for another $800 and I quickly called hoping I was up against an AQ type hand. Anyway turned a heart and she tabled A10 of hearts.
Hand #3
Had A2 off on the button on a limped pot. Flop came down A82 two diamonds. Everyone checks to me I bet $90 and am called by one player. Turn is A, he checks I bet $230, he raises to $700 (saying its time to go home). I figured he had 22 or 88 because he had a very small range of starting cards and he was very leary about putting chips in the pot. A couple hands previous I had QQ raised and was called by him heads up. Flop was 992 I bet he called, turn 3 I bet he raised and I mucked (he is not capable of bluffing so I elected to bet the turn to see if he had a small pair, or made hand like 9x, or more likely 22, or AA. In many cases I'll check the turn with intentions to call the river but givin the circumstances I figured there was more value by betting because if he just called I know I could bet big on the river and get paid by JJ,1010, or 88). After I folded he juices me by saying I knew you had nothing thats why I raised with nothing...sure you really got me on tilt now bro. So when this hand came up and he check raised the turn, I asked how much he had left and pushed him in. Well he was right when he said it was time to go home as he tabled 88 and did not river the 1 outer (I'm starting to run a little better it seems). When I put him in he thought he was a lock especially when I said 'you probably got me'. Then when he saw my hand his face turned white. Tit for tat you juice me I juice you.
Hand #3:
There was goon to my immediate right who would auto raise on the button when folded to. This time I looked down at 55 in the small blind so I called his raise. Flop came down 944 I check, he bet I raised assuming he was doing his 100% of the time continuation bet with air. He pondered a bit and said 'man you called me with a 4' and folded QQ face up. I then showed him 55 and he went on instatilt. I didn't get too much of it but within the next 45 minutes he stacked off about 5k. Amazing what a little move like that can do to a player.
Hand #4:
I tight player from early position raised to $60 had two callers so I called with 44 on the button. The flop came down 842 with two spades (woohoo! Third set of the trip, hopefully he doesn't have 88). He bet out close to pot size for $200. I raised to $550. He thought for awhile and called. The turn was a 2 he checked and I decided to check for a couple of reasons. One, and most importantly, he only had $700 left so whether I bet the turn or the river I only have one bet to put him in givin the size of the pot. Two, he was reluctant to put chips in without a big hand so if he had 99 or 1010 he may fold to the turn allin. If I check the turn and fire on the river assuming its not the flush card he will be forced to call pretty thin I think. Third, maybe he has no touch and will try to bluff me on the river (although that doesn't seem to be in his range). Anyway, the river is a dud, he checks I bet him allin and he calls. I don't know his hand but I'm guessing its not that big if he checked the river and maybe if I had pushed on the turn he may have folded.
Hand #5:
Had 98 hearts and opened the pot for $70 getting 3 callers. Flop came down Q74 two hearts. I bet out $180 and had one caller. Turn was an 8 and I decided to fire again this time for $375 assuming my opponent was floating with a mid pair like 99,1010, or had a weak Q like QJ or Q10 suited and maybe I could shake him. He called. River brought an offsuit A and I knew he didn't like the card. So this time I fired out for $1000 and he folded after much deliberation. Hey me! I hadnt' done much three barrel blufs (albeit semi bluffs on flop and turn) as I have not been running good and have been a little cautious. As well, lets not forget that the players are so bad that a person can do very well by playing a rather text book game of betting only when you have it.
Anyway, off to snowmobile. Hopefully, I'll be talking about how I won 20k in a day on my next post.